Play on Words

Found time moving at a slow pace on the Millers River in Orange, MA yesterday.   Content with poking into every backwater and stream such as the one pictured above where beavers built a barricade.  One benefit of moving so slow was noticing things often missed such as this eastern kingbird nestled in atop eggs...

At the entrance to a slough was this "moccasin flower" (aka pink lady's-slipper)...

It was one of three such plants on a slope only a few feet from the river.

Being on the Millers River brings to mind the slogan "Miller Time" and when this freight train slowly rumbled along... was clearly "train time".

On the opposite side of the river "train time" meant something all together different for this paddler...

At the parking lot from where I launched, a pick-up truck was sporting a decal bearing the expression "masshole" while this empty beer can plucked from the river took a different perspective...

Guess it's all in the way you say it.


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