Blessings on the Assabet
These colorful flags caught my eye when paddling the Assabet River the other could they not have against such a muted background? Suspected they were Tibetan prayer flags and later confirmed that to be the case when I found the following info on the internet (mostly Wikipedia): The prayer flags bless the surrounding countryside and are displayed in sets of five colors. Each color represents one of the five elements: blue for space, white for air, red for fire, green for water, and yellow for earth. Those seen represent the Lung ta or "windhorse" style and are made of cloth with wood-block printed text and images. Older flags are usually replaced with new flags at the time of the Tibetan New Year (which this year occurs on February 5th). By the way the flags were arranged it appears the person who placed them was looking toward the river. I must have instinctively known the prayers (for peace, compassion, strength, & wisdom) a...