Assabet/Nashoba Rare Treats
On the Saturday following Thanksgiving I paddled up to Egg Rock and found the inscription completely submerged. I also noted the rivers were surprisingly ice free considering the record-cold temperatures of late. So, with an urgent need to work off some turkey and all the fixin's, I began ascending the Assabet River. Our very wet autumn has resulted in river water aplenty which helped to keep most of the usual obstacles submerged... Before I knew it my modest expectations were exceeded and I'd reached the river's confluence with Nashoba Brook. Entering this significant tributary to the Assabet was made easy by the raised water level. It was smooth paddling upstream under the Old Colony railroad bridge, the pedestrian bridge, and along the stone wall past Nashoba Bakery... In all of my previous trips this would be the point where the water would become too shallow for further paddling. However, on this occasion I rounded the bend and found myself...